mister b-sides
Mark, this post is dedicated to you
(aka your advice is greatly needingly appreciated LOL :P)
i want a mac!!, and i want it portable cause i haven't got both yet, i want a mac cause it's something i haven't practically tried yet, and i want a laptop cause i wanna be in some outdoursy near the beach "browsing the web".. hah as if!, that's too average for me, i try operating systems (linux) and check out software more than i do your average browse the web chat with people kind of thing..
i want a mac cause it's CUTE with a nice feel to it, totally user friendly and with not much to configure for HOURS to get the perfect desktop that you like, i want a portable and i thought of windows mobile (i-mate) but it's cons are awful like this battery issue and settings, files and software lost if it ever died, i still would love one but i won't be wasting my own money on it :P, me wants laptop thingie cause mobility is nice, taking your chat access web browse experience is a cool thought..
now the price of the hot mac laptoppie ones is EXPENSIVE here, as in 800+ kds expensive, these are the
powerbooks, they look sleek and fine but 17 inch for a monitor?, too much for even me besides the overprice, i'd love my mac lappie to be small, cute and unique like the
ibook, aii even the name is kinda catchy don't you think? :D
the 12-inch Combo Drive is cute looking with a small monitor making the laptop itself small, but the specs sucks!, as in 1.2 GHz (which is fine by me cause it's portable and i don't need to have any heavy stuff on it) and 256mb ram only and i know that OSX won't run smoothly on it specially with programs hugging on the memory next to it.. well it says on the on page that it supports up to 1.25GB but with only 1 expansion slot, 30 gig hard drive and 32mb ram for the vga,
too bad a spec cause please my god it costs around 400+ at eureka and probably virgin too and they have MUCH better specs for almost the same price on regular laptops, i remember them having a promo including this baby and a colored ipod mini for 444 kds, 7asafa i wasn't that interested but i
was thinking about it back then i would've probably seriously thought about buying..
i tried the operating system (Mac OSX) once or twice enough that i know i could get used to it easily, most of the popular software brands like browsers, chat and media programs support it plus it can run linux software thingies with the help of some programs like
fink, it's a debian linux package management thingie which downloads and installs software with a single command or a convenient click of a button with a package browser (WOW i should change my name off average joe to geeky q80 <-- rhyms!) and don't forget that it is unix yet friendliest to the extreme and it's SAFE, as in NO DAMN antivirus or firewall bothering you every now and then with a virus alert and boring long scans or with a window popping up about every pesky thing that happens, so when i sum it up it's like
ME WANTS MAC LAPPIE THINGIE BIG TIME!! hehe, and i'm thinking of buying it local cause i want out of the box arabo support like arabic keyboard and already there arabic fonts support on fresh install (is that possible?) so internet shopping is a big fat no no, plus i want it in my hands as soon as i pay or i'll go nuts waiting for it to be delivered..
so i've got windows on this baby that i personally assembled 6 months ago, linux on the old surviving lady that i had for 5 years and it's still kicking butt, so the great next thing that'll complete the collection would be a mac and in a laptop for a plus,
i know that apple's gonna move out to the outer world of pc hardware instead of it's annoyingly different ppc architecture that makes it unique in a lame expensive way, but i also like the fact that it is unique, i like different, but not in an extreme out of the circle way if you know what i mean..
okay that's it, that's what happens when i talk tech, i'm a pro tech user (NOT geek cause i don't like to go deep into that stuff), i like trying out different ways of computing probably cause i'm trying to find the perfect flawless experience with no hassle..
yadda yadda enough tech talk for now and my blogging habbit is getting too fast for my brain so i'll probably relax for a while (a week max) and kick back and relax while hassling on my favorite bloggies with useless comments LOL,
luv you all n ciao :D